Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Proposal for Experiment

I intend to gage how my work might make the viewer react through a simple experiment. Looking the themes of social transmission, learned fear and observation of fear I am exploring in my writing, I have produced two paintings; one a commentary on a personal fear, and one a disorientating image with no context. For the first image I give a background explanation as to it context and a short quote lifted from my own diary which serves as inspiration. The first image is in colour and clearly shows a human woman, something I hope promotes relatability. The second image is in black and white and was produced during a moment of psychosis. There is no context to the image other than a note I wrote while in a state which simply read "cat with human hands". I have not provided this information to the subjects. The goal of this experiment is to discover if I can elicit a sense of fear through my art. However, more importantly, I hope the subjects will be able to identify themes from fear conditioning (second image) and fear observation (first image), as inspired by Ito and Bosch respectively; referenced in Chapter Three (Case Studies).

Below I have attached the document sent out to all who agreed to participate. Note; I believe the experiment may not be 100% accurate as I neglected to consider size of image. Where the images are comparatively small on screen, the original paintings are 66cmx66cm (first) and 56cmx76cm (second). The size of the images in person may have more of an intense effect.

Also, I incorrectly used the word "pretence" in the first sentence. Only one person noticed.

Text on document reads;

Please observe both paintings, they are similar in size and both comprise of acrylic on wooden board. They were both created under the pretence [context] of “fear”.

The first painting is a commentary on fears revolving around losing a sense of self when overstimulated either socially or environmentally. Specifically, the experience of physical disassociation. There is text alongside the image which reads;

“I remember being a child and lying in bed feeling like my arms were miles away from my centre, but simultaneously too close. The surface of my duvet felt soft and cushion-y yet like it concealed something hard and solid, akin to metal. I no longer get these feelings but occasionally it feels like
I am flailing around like viscose jelly and my surroundings are being zoomed in an out of focus at rapid speed. There are millions of bugs under my skin only exiting through my gums and the snakes in my skull render my thoughts foggy.”

There is no context or description alongside the second image, and no intention to explain. 

Given the information you have just received, please emotionally respond to both images separately. I am looking for a description of how they both make you feel in relation to the topic (fear). Please write as much or as little as you feel necessary.

All responses will be kept anonymous and recorded on a private blog to be assessed. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Thank you for your time, it is much appreciated.

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